So when should I schedule my Newborn Lifestyle Session?

I get asked this question almost every time I book a Newborn Lifestyle Session. And this is what I recommend ...

First let's get you in my books. My schedule can be pretty sporadic and unpredictable with last minute bookings, so let's schedule your session for your due date so that I have you in my calendar and I know that we will be squeezing you in in the next few weeks!

I have two girls, so I know what it's like to have a baby - and spoiler alert, it's not glamorous haha! I don't want you feeling exhausted, sore, in a lot of pain, and especially not settled into your new routine. What I usually suggest is a week after you get home - give or take, but by all means, if you are super woman and would like to do it sooner then let's do it! OR if you need a little more time to adjust and get settled, THAT'S OK TOO!

Whatever the case, whenever you are ready, just reach out to me and we will put you in my schedule ASAP!

If you have other questions about Newborn Lifestyle Sessions, I have created a Newborn Lifestyle Guide that I would love to send to you!